It takes around 2 weeks to heal tongue piercing. Usually it is difficult to develop any infection as saliva contains anti-bacterial enzymes. Overuse of mouthwashes with astringent may neutralize these enzymes hence turning the tongue brown or green. If it occurs it is advised to reduce the mouthwash quantity you are using. You would observe slight swelling on the day of piercing, but the worst swelling would appear between 2-6 days after piercing. During this time you would find your tongue to be very uncoordinated and may also find difficulty while talking.
Aftercare for Tongue Piercing
- For the first 3-5 days you are advised to eat soft and mashed food. Best food for you would be juices, shakes and yogurts. You can also take vitamin supplements to boost up your immune system. Baby food is the best choice during this phase.
- Once you start with solid food eating, be careful that you don’t bite the long barbell. There are chances of barbell biting which may result in chipping or splitting of your tooth. So be careful while eating solid food.
- You can try using anti-inflammatory or anti-bacterial throat lozenges after meals or several times a day. These would help in faster healing of your tongue.
- It is advisable to rinse your mouth with warm salty water after meals or many a times in a day. This would promote the healing process.
- Eat lot of cold foods like frozen yogurts, ice creams, small ice blocks or crushed ice this would help you in pain and swelling reduction.
- It is better to change from longer barbell to shorter stem after at least 10 days to avoid your tongue to swell up again.
- Use a soft tooth brush to remove plaque formed on the jewelry during the healing phase.
- Once in a week with clean hands check that the jewelry is screwed up tight.
- Every morning first drink chilled water; this would help in alleviating your swelling.
- Don’t talk much in your initial days of piercing as excess movement may cause the barbell to wound your tongue.
- During the healing phase avoid taking hot foods like soup, coffee or tea; this would increase your pain. Try and avoid spicy food as this main increase swelling.
- Avoid playing with the piercing during the initial phase of healing as this may delay the healing process and may also lead to scar formation.
- Do not replace the jewelry during the healing phase as reinsertion of the jewelry might be painful.
- Do not remove the jewelry as the hole closes quickly.
- Do not put dirty things in your mouth like pens or fingernails.
- Refrain yourself from oral sex for the initial 15 days, including kissing your partner.